A Talk with Bohdan From Everstake

DanielXX Bloga
Dec 29, 2020

On today’s Divi podcast, the CIO of the Divi project, Nick Saponaro, interviews Bohdan, the COO of Everstake. The interview focused on discussions around how Bohdan and his team found their way into crypto and how Everstake is performing when it comes to the Proof of Stake field within the crypto industry.

Bohdan shares insightful information on how he started as a Block Producer on EOS, thus, managing and organizing stuffs and hardware. Although the work was tedious for him, this was an opportunity for him to meet new people within the space who shared similar goals as he did.

Now Everstake has over 27,000 users around the globe.

Listen to the full podcast for the details. https://soundcloud.com/divi-crypto-podcast/ep084

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